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About the School

St Mark’s is a Catholic comprehensive school within the Diocese of Westminster. There are currently 1207 of boys and girls on roll including the Sixth Form. In April 2012 St Mark’s joined the Diocese of Westminster Academy Trust.

St. Mark's was rated ‘Outstanding’ by Ofsted in September 2022 ( The Diocese of Westminster also graded the school as "outstanding" in every category during the Section 48 Inspection in December 2018.

The Mission Statement is central to daily life at St. Mark’s:

St Mark’s is a Catholic community inspired by Gospel values where relationships are rooted in love. At the heart of our mission is a commitment to live out our faith and a dedication to embrace excellence in all that we do. We believe in education that instils possibilities, transforms lives and enables all to fulfil their potential.

St. Mark's is concerned with the education of the whole person and for this reason religious education is at the heart of the school, making explicit what is implicit in all areas of the curriculum. We believe that the outcome of religious education should be religiously literate young people who think spiritually, ethically and theologically and who are aware of the demands of religious commitment in everyday life. The existence of a chapel in the main school building, shows the commitment St Mark's has to ensuring that all pupils will have the opportunity to grow in their faith. Assemblies are an integral part of school life where the community joins together to pray and celebrate publicly the individual achievements of the pupils.

We have a wide range of extra-curricular provision and educational visits, both in the UK and overseas and you can read more about life at St. Mark’s in ‘Veritas’ which is our termly school publication.