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Sixth Form Life

At St. Mark’s, we seek to provide a structured environment in which students are supported in becoming independent life long learners, We have high expectations of our students in terms of dress, commitment to study, attendance and punctuality and contribution to the community of St. Mark’s.

Sixth formers benefit from separate facilities: designated supervised study area and common room. Sixth formers also benefit from supportive staff who seek to support them in reaching their potential.

Outside lessons students are expected to complete five hours work per subject. This should take the form of completing assignments, reviewing work and wider reading. In Year 12 students use the study room when they do not have a scheduled taught lesson.

Students are expected to complete all assignments on time and to meet their minimum target grades. If students are struggling with their subjects and time management, we increase the level of monitoring and support provided. At all times we seek to keep parents informed as to the progress of students.

We expect all absences to be acknowledged with a note from home and expect all students to have an attendance level of 95% or over. We expect our students to arrive on time.

Each student has a form tutor to support them over their Sixth Form career. The tutor is the first point of contact for parents, subject teachers and student. It is essential students register with their tutor in the morning and afternoon.

Students find St. Mark’s a welcoming community aimed at supporting students in reaching their aspirations. Sixth form students contribute greatly to our community through their participation in the life of the school. We encourage sixth formers to take part in the cultural, liturgical, sporting and charitable life of the school and provide many opportunities for enrichment.