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“Students thrive at this school. Behaviour in lessons and around the school is exemplary. Bullying is very rare and when it does happen, it is quickly dealt with. Pupils feel safe in school. They are proud of the school’s diversity, and they are very respectful of pupils from different backgrounds and with different abilities. Parents and carers are overwhelmingly positive about the school and are keen to praise staff for the care shown to their children.” Ofsted 2022


The St Mark’s School community is founded on the Christian values expressed in the Gospels: peace, truth, justice and love. These values underpin everything that we do within the School. They bind us together as a Christian community. We view each person as special and unique. We recognise and respond to their gifts, their needs and their aspirations. We care for all individuals, celebrating achievement and providing support when difficulties are experienced.

Section 48 report

This inspection focused on Religious Education and the Catholic life of the school. We are delighted to inform you that St. Mark’s was judged to be ‘outstanding’ across all areas covered by the inspection. Inspectors noted the positive partnership that we have with parents and this was also reflected in the significant number of parents who completed the parental survey.