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St Mark's Catholic School

St Mark's Catholic School

Catholic Life

At St Mark's Catholic School, Catholic life is woven into the very fabric of our community. Guided by our mission to embody the teachings of Christ, we foster an environment rich in kindness, inclusivity, and respect. From daily prayers to our commitment to social justice and service, every aspect of school life reflects our dedication to living out our faith.

Our students are encouraged to engage deeply with their spirituality, developing not only academically but also morally and socially. Through activities such as the Youth SVP group, our Catholic Ambassador Leadership Programme and partnerships with charities like CAFOD and the Catholic Children's Society, we empower our young people to serve others and promote justice in the world around them.

At St Mark's, we believe that education is not just about academic excellence but also about nurturing compassionate, responsible individuals who strive to make a positive impact in their communities. Together, we cultivate a vibrant Catholic identity that inspires our students to live with integrity, hope, and a genuine commitment to serving others.

Explore our website to learn more about how Catholic life permeates every part of our school community.